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Sample Python Interview Questions and Answer

Answer: PCEP certification is organized by the Python Institute.

Answer: Monolithic application are those one which runs in a single process (e.g. in single JVM app) or small number of processes spread across the few servers. At the end of every release cycle, developers package up the whole system and hand it over to the ops team and they deploys and monitors it. And in case of any hardware failure, the ops team migrates it to the remaining healthy servers.
Answer:Kubernetes is to simplify the following tasks
  • Building
  • Deploying and
  • Maintaining Distributed applications.
Answer:  Kubernetes is an open source orchestrator for deploying containerized applications. It provides the software which are required to successfully build and deploy reliable, scalable distributed systems. You can also sometime refer it as a Kubernetes API.
Answer: In Software world you were initially working with the Mutable software. Means you download the new component of a software and install it on existing software and that is known as mutable software infrastructure. However, in case of immutable infrastructure you download new image of a container and replace the existing container with the newly downloaded container. And there would not be any incremental changes.
Answer: When you create a new image rather than upgrading the existing image it gives you an advantage that old image still available and you can quickly rollback if it is required. If you upgrade your existing binary then to rollback you have to remove newly installed binary from the existing one.
Answer: In a very simple term I can say that it represent how declarative way you can create any required infrastructure and commit all these declaration files in the source control system like defining a template to create new infrastructure and whenever you want to create new infrastructure specially in the cloud env, checkout the template and use it create the env. You can maintain all version of templates and any time if it is required rollback, use the previous version of the templates and rollback the system.
Answer: Imaging you need 5 containers and one of the developers manually start the sixth container then Kubernetes will check and make sure one container is destroyed. Because it needs only 5 containers. Similarly, if one container is destroyed then Kubernetes would make sure, it starts a new container.
Following are the common abstractions we can found in Kubernetes.
  • PODs: This is also known as group of containers. And a single team can work on group of containers (pods) and make it single deployable unit.
  • Isolation: Kubernetes Services provides load balancing, naming and discovery features and we can isolate one microservice to another microservice.
  • Namespaces: Using namespaces we can have isolation and access control. Hence, each microservice can control the interaction between services.
  • Ingress: With the Ingress we can have single frontend which can combine multiple microservices into a single centralized API layer.
Answer: Almost every public cloud provider (Azure, AWS, Google cloud etc.) are providing managed Kubernetes-as-a-service solution. However, cloud provider operator has their own limitation for using this Kubernetes clusters. Like any new feature of Kubernetes may not be available immediately on KaaS, as they have to maintain cluster for multiple clients and it can create issue for having new features as soon as it is available, they want to test before providing on KaaS.
Answer:You have to make sure your Kubernetes applications/containers are not depending on any of the cloud specific services like in DB AWS DynamoDB. Keep it completely independent from cloud provider specific services. 
Answer: Yes, Kubernetes is a platform for creating, deploying, and managing distributed applications. However, it also solves many other problems like Shared Library Dependencies. You no more need to have shared library which your application requires different version and other application on same machine require another version. You can ship the library version which you want with your application as part of container and no need to share with other application on same machine.
Answer: Docker and Podman I know as of now.
Answer: Registry is the place where once your image is built or image building file e.g Dockerfile, you can keep it and you can share with others as well. And whenever and whoever required these images can pull it back and use it. And also helps you to manage and deploy private-images as well. And you can also use image-builder services to provide integration with continuous delivery system.
Answer: Container image is a bundle which include your program, and its dependencies into a single artifact under root file system. This also include some metadata which is used by a container runtime to start a running application instance based on the contents of the container image.
Answer: As of this writing Docker image was most popular but RedHat 8.0 onwards they want to reduce the Docker monopoly and stopped supporting Docker and supporting PodMan as a new image format.
Answer:A container image is a binary package that encapsulates all of the files necessary to run a program inside of an OS container. You can create a new container image or download one from the container registry. Once you have the container image you can run it to produce a running application inside OS container.
Answer: You can use “docker” command to create Docker image. This command can help you in packaging, distributing, and running containers.
Answer:Docker image is made up of a series of filesystem layers. Each layer adds, removes, or modifies files from the preceding layer in the filesystem. 
Answer: If you see Docker image it is not a single file but rather a specification for a manifest file which points to the other files. And both manifest and associated files are considered as a single unit. And this particular Docker image is created by a series of filesystem layers, and each layer inherits and modifies the layers before this.
Answer:  Lets Assume you have a Base Container classed ContainerA, which just have base operating system like CentOS. Now you have two applications one runs on Java7 and Other on Java8 runtime env. You would fork the ContainerA and create two separate container one for Java7 and another for Java8 support. Like ContainerB built upon ContainerA by installing Java7 and ContainerC is build upon ContainerA by installing Java8 on it. Now you need to install Oracle12C as well which require Java8. Hence, you would fork ContainerC and create new ContainerD on which you can install Oracle 12C.
ContainerA (Base OS CentOS)
  • ContainerB (Java7)
  • ContainerC(Java8)
      • ContainerD(Oracle12C)
Hence, we can say each container image is built upon another container. In real-world you would see more complex layers.
Answer: Container configuration files are always available with the container and they provides instructions on how to setup the container environment and execute the application entry point. Which has information like
  • How to setup Networking
  • How to setup namespace isolation
  • How to setup resource constraints like (cgroups)
  • What should be the syscall restrictions should be placed on a running container instance.
Both Container root filesystem and configuration files are typically bundled using the Docker image format.
Answer: For Python developers, it turns out that there are several certifications available. So, let’s take a look at what’s out there to help decide if Python certification could be good for your career.

The Most Popular (and Only) Python Certifications

The Python Institute is a training organization focused on sharpening the Python developer’s skill set. As such, they offer several certifications to demonstrate proficiency at different levels.

PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

As the name implies, the PCEP is the starting point to Python certification for newbies, previous programming experience optional. By the time you’re ready to test for the PCEP, you should have gained your footing in procedural programming concepts, as well as learned some Python specifics such as the language syntax and runtime environment.

Python Programming language is becoming the most demanding and useful computer programming language due to its simplicity and understanding features.
If we compare Python with other languages, python is more easily understandable and readable language. Python language has many vast applications in almost every technology sector like Data Science, Web Development, Gaming, Image processing, Data Analysing, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

Answer: Containers fall into two categories as below
  • System Containers
  • Application Containers
Answer:You can assume System Containers are somewhat similar to virtual machines and often run a full boot process. And often includes the system services like ssh, cron, syslog etc. However, it is avoided to create system containers now a days. 
Answer: We highly recommend you get paid subscription Annual Premium to access all contents on this website or get paid subscription for this product itself.

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