Question-44: On-Premise means that a company keeps all its data, servers and everything in its IT environment in-house. The company is responsible for running, supporting and maintaining the data all the time. This is the traditional way of hosting your architecture. You are working in QuickTechie Inc. You want to ensure that your on-premises architecture meets business requirements before you migrate your solution. What change in the on-premises architecture should you make?
A. Substitute Google Pub/Sub for RabbitMQ.
B. Downgrade MySQL to version 5.7, which Cloud SQL for MySQL supports.
C. Resize computation resources to meet preset Compute Engine machine types.
D. Containerize the micro-services and host them in Google Kubernetes Engine.
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: 4 Explanation: Option-4: They want to move into container based approach in cloud. So they should required changes in on premise env to migrate same into cloud. On-prem architecture provides microservice based API. Better to containerize them so that they can move to K8s in Cloud.