Question-19: The impact that batch workloads have on the system is somewhere in the middle between that of online transaction processing (OLTP) and decision support system (DSS) workloads. Batch workloads are a hybrid between the two types of workloads. A batch workload may include a number of transactions to a database that are performed in a repeating manner, each of which requires extensive computing effort. Your business runs on a national scale, and you want to utilize GCP for a variety of batch workloads, some of which will not be time-sensitive at all. In addition to this, you are required to control service prices and make use of GCP services that have HIPAA certification. Batch is a fully managed service that gives you the ability to plan, queue, and run batch processing workloads on Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances. You may take use of this functionality by using the Batch service. Batch is responsible for managing capacity and provisioning resources on your behalf, which enables your batch workloads to operate at scale. What are the best practises recommended by Google for your design?
A. Reduce your expenses by providing preemptible virtual machines. Stop making use of any and all GCP services and APIs that do not comply with HIPAA regulations.
B. Reduce your expenses by providing preemptible virtual machines. Turn down any GCP services and application programming interfaces (APIs) that do not comply with HIPAA, and then stop using them.
C. In order to cut costs, provision standard virtual machines in the same region. Stop making use of any and all GCP services and APIs that do not comply with HIPAA regulations.
D. In order to cut costs, provision standard virtual machines to the same region. It is necessary to disable and then stop using any and all GCP services and APIs that do not comply with HIPAA regulations.
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: 2 Explanation: Disabling and then discontinuing allows you to see the effects of not using the APIs, so you can gauge (check) alternatives. So that leaves Option-2 and Option-4 as viable answers. The question says only some are not time-critical which implies others are. This means preemptible VMs are good because they will secure a spot for scaling when needed. If others are time-critical, preemptible does not fit. In an exam it's important to not be in individual assumptions and focus on the information in question. Key word here is not time-critical. By taking the question just by the context that it sets, preemptible is what I choose. So it's Option-2 according to me. If your apps are fault-tolerant and can withstand possible instance preemptions, then preemptible instances can reduce your Compute Engine costs significantly. For example, batch processing jobs can run on preemptible instances. If some of those instances stop during processing, the job slows but does not completely stop. Preemptible instances complete your batch processing tasks without placing additional workload on your existing instances and without requiring you to pay full price for additional normal instances.