Question-23: Flask is a Python web framework that is very lightweight and offers helpful tools and capabilities for the development of web applications using the Python programming language. It provides developers with flexibility and is an approachable framework for novice developers due to the fact that it enables rapid development of web applications with the use of just a single Python file. You have a Python web application with a lot of different dependencies, and in order for it to run in production, it needs 0.1 CPU cores and 128 MB of memory. You need to keep an eye on how efficiently the equipment is being used. You also want to be able to deliver new application versions in a dependable manner. Which series of actions should you carry out first?
A. Carry out the following actions: 1. Establish a controlled instance group consisting of f1-micro type computers. 2. Clone the repository, then check out the production branch, install the dependencies, and launch the Python application with the help of a startup script. 3. Restart the instances so that fresh production releases may be automatically deployed.
B. Carry out the following actions: 1. Establish a managed instance group consisting of machines of the n1-standard-1 type. 2. Create an image for Compute Engine based on the production branch that includes all of the dependencies and automatically starts the Python application. 3. In order to deploy new production releases, you will need to rebuild the Compute Engine image and then update the instance template.
C. Carry out the following actions: 1. Establish a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster that is comprised of computers of the n1-standard-1 type. 2. Using the production branch, create a Docker image that includes all of the dependencies and tag it with the version number. 3. Create a Kubernetes Deployment in the staging namespace with the imagePullPolicy set to IfNotPresent, and then after testing, promote it to the production namespace.
D. Carry out the following actions: 1. Establish a GKE cluster consisting of machines of the n1-standard-4 type. 2. Create a Docker image based on the master branch that includes all of the dependencies and tag it with the word latest. 3. Establish an imagePullPolicy of 'Always' for the Kubernetes Deployment that you will create and place it in the default namespace. Simply restarting the pods will cause the new production releases to be automatically deployed.

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