Question-9: One subcategory of Web Service APIs is known as REST APIs. The creation of a Web Service API can be done using a standardized architecture style known as REST API. On Google Cloud, you are currently putting in place the infrastructure for a web service. It is necessary for the web service to be able to receive and store data from 500,000 requests per second. The data will be queried at a later time in real time, and the queries will be based on exact matches of a predefined attribute set. There will be some time intervals during which the web service will not be subjected to any requests. The company's goal is to maintain low operating expenses. Which database and web service platform should you utilize for the application?
A. The Cloud Run and BigQuery Technologies
B. Cloud Bigtable and Cloud Run respectively
C. An instance group that is autoscaling controlled by Compute Engine and BigQuery.
D. An instance group that is auto-scaling and managed by Compute Engine, as well as Cloud Bigtable

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