Question-50: Cloud Run for Anthos is Google's fully managed and supported Knative service. Knative is an open source project that allows serverless workloads to run on Kubernetes. Cloud Run for Anthos is Google's managed and supported offering. Cloud Run may also be used as a fully managed serverless platform on Google Cloud; however, Kubernetes platform criteria are not satisfied in this case. You are in charge of administering an application that is hosted on Cloud Run for Anthos, and you need to devise a plan for updating the programme at regular intervals with new versions. In order to determine whether or not to continue with the rollout, you want to test the new code using a portion of the production traffic. What action should you take?
A. With the latest version of Cloud Run, deploy a new revision of the platform. Configure the proportion of traffic between different versions.
B. Deploy the latest version of the service to Cloud Run as a new service. Put a Cloud Load Balancing instance in front of both services so that the load is evenly distributed.
C. On the Google Cloud Console page for Cloud Run, set up continuous deployment for the development branch by using Cloud Build. Configure the Cloud Build trigger such that the replacement variable TRAFFIC PERCENTAGE contains the proportion of traffic that should be sent to the new version.
D. Within the Google Cloud Console, setup Traffic Director with a new Service that links to the updated version of the application that is hosted on Cloud Run. It is recommended that you configure Traffic Director such that just a small portion of the traffic is sent to the updated version of the application.
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: Option-1 Every time a service is deployed, a new version is produced. A revision is made up of a particular container image and several environment parameters, such as memory restrictions, environment variables, and concurrency value. o You will be able to control the traffic by utilising the MANAGE TRAFFIC option that is located inside the revision page after the new version has been successfully published to a Service. It is recommended that a new revision of Cloud Run be deployed together with the new version. Configure the proportion of traffic between different versions. Control of the flow of traffic Cloud Run for Anthos now has the capability to route each request or RPC in a completely random fashion across various versions of a service, based on the traffic percentages that you set. You may use this capability to execute canary deployments of a newer version of your application by sending a small proportion of the traffic and checking whether it is operating successfully prior to progressively increasing the amount of traffic that is being sent. In a similar vein, the newly implemented features for traffic management make it easy to revert your application to a previous version in a short amount of time. Both the Cloud Console and the gcloud command-line tool provide you the ability to regulate the traffic that is directed to your service. To divide traffic across many versions, choose the revisions you want to use, click the Add Revision button, and then adjust the percentage to the appropriate level of division. Visit the Cloud Run area. Find the service you need in the list of services, then click on the link for it. Select the Manage Traffic option. The presently active new revision is the one that is mentioned here. Within the format: Adjust the proportion of the currently serving revision so that it corresponds to the intended split. Using the dropdown list, choose one of the earlier versions of the document, and then change it to the appropriate % split. To divide traffic across many revisions, choose the appropriate revisions from the drop-down menu that appears after clicking the Add Revision button. Then, adjust the percentage to get the required traffic distribution.