Question-11: You are employed by the largest financial organisation in the United States, and recently it has been mandated that all of the projects in your department have to be on CI/CD before the end of the year. You have only 9 months to complete the task, and you are currently working on 6 different applications or projects. A web-based application is being developed by your organisation right now. You have a responsibility to check that production deployments can be thoroughly audited and that they are related to the source code changes. What is it that you ought to do?
A. Make sure a developer is tagging the code commit with the date and time of commit.
B. Make sure a developer is adding a comment to the commit that links to the deployment.
C. Make the container tag match the source code commit hash.
D. Make sure the developer is tagging the commits with latest.
Correct Answer

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: 3 Explanation: The developer should not tag or remark each and every commit with any particular data, such as timestamps or another piece of information. The possibility exists that there is an app version, although this is not addressed. Create a match between the source code commit hash and the container tag. If you have the commit hash from the container, you may search the git repository for the commit that corresponds to it. In order to make it possible to audit the modification that was made and then applied in your environment. By its very nature, the Git commit hash cannot be changed, and it always points to a particular version of your programme. This commit hash may serve not only as a version number for your programme but also as a tag for the Docker image that was produced based on a particular version of your software. When this is done, Docker images get the ability to be traced: given that the image tag in this scenario is immutable, it is immediately clear which exact version of your programme is being used by a certain container. It does not make sense for every Git commit to have a timestamp of A. In automated deployments, it is best if there is no need for human intervention. The only thing that will make the container tag completely auditable with the assistance of the SCM is automating it to match the commit hash. Tagging using the Git commit hash (nearly towards the bottom of the page) In this scenario, a typical approach of handling version numbers is to use the Git commit SHA-1 hash (or a short version of it) as the version number. [Citation needed] The Git commit hash is intended to be unchangeable and to provide a reference to a particular version of your programme. This commit hash may serve not only as a version number for your programme but also as a tag for the Docker image that was produced based on a particular version of your software. When this is done, Docker images become traceable: since the image tag is immutable in this situation, you immediately know which exact version of your programme is operating inside of a certain container.