Question-1: Which of the following statements are correct with respect to Apache Cassandra database?

  1. It uses master slave architecture.
  2. It uses peer-to-peer communication
  3. It well integrates with Apache Solr for Analytics
  4. It uses the De-normalization

Ans: B, D

Exp: Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database with the following feature for fast and optimized query execution on the large volume of data.

It uses peer-to-peer communication. Hence, option-1 is out.

Yes, it integrates with the Apache Solr but not for the analytics. It’s a tricky option, Solr is a Search solution. Hence, option-3 is not correct. If we want solution for analytics then it should use Apache Spark which also well integrate with the Cassandra.

Apache Cassandra does not follow the normalization. However, its Data modeling is similar to relational databases but differ in many key areas for providing blazingly fast interaction. For example, RDBMS uses the joins between tables for relationships, whereas Cassandra uses denormalization to achieve more robust querying. Hence, option-4 is also correct.