Question 29: What is true, with regards to vnode/virtual node?

A. virtual nodes allow us to create individual smaller token ranges per node and it breaks up these ranges across the cluster

B. Before Cassandra 3.0, vnode have 256 ranges per node

C. past Cassandra 3.0, there are much more token ranges per node (more than 256)

D. past Cassandra 3.0, it's much less, and it's configurable by the user (less than 256)

  1. A,B,C
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Correct Answer: 4

Explanation: virtual nodes allow us to create individual smaller ranges per node, and it breaks up these ranges across the cluster. Now, each single node doesn't have all the data. By default, pre-3.0, it is 256 ranges per node. Now, past 3.0, it's much less, and it's configurable by the user.

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