Question-20: What is the true statement with regards to Keyword in Python programming?

  1. Keywords are reserved word by Python Programming
  2. You can only use them as part of function name
  3. You can only use them as part of variable name
  4. You can not use it as part of variable name
  5. You can not use it as part of function name

Answer: A,D,E



  • This is reserved by Python and you should not use them as a variable.
  • Even your function name should not be using keyword
  • Meaning of the Keyword is pre-defined by Python Programming language and should not be altered.

-          and

-          as

-          assert

-          break class

-          continue

-          def

-          del

-          elif

-          else

-          except

-          finally

-          False

-          for

-          from

-          global

-          if

-          import

-          in

-          is

-          lambda

-          nonlocal

-          not

-          None

-          or

-          pass

-          raise

-          return

-          True

-          try

-          while

-          with

-          yield


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