Question 36: You have written a SAS program, one of your colleague told you that this program will not be compiled successfully, it has compilation error, and what does he mean?

  1. Values provided in if condition are wrong.
  2. Values provided in where clause are wrong.
  3. You have used one of the options in the DATA step, which is not valid
  4. You have missed the semicolon at the end of statement
  5. You have used the SAS keywords which are misspelled
  6. 1.  A,B,C
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  10.  Correct Answer : 3 Exp : When SAS compile the data steps, it does not look into the value part of any statement, it only look for syntax error. Which can be you have wrongly used the option in SAS statement, or you misspelled the SAS keyword or forgot to put semicolon in the statement. Syntax Checking:

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