Question 24: You have been given some data in a text file at below location and you tried to read it is using SAS column input.

 filename course22 '/folders/myfolders/hedata/course22.txt;

 Which of the following statements are correct with regards to column input?

  1. If your datasets column has blank spaces than it can be read using column input.
  2. If data is missing than it is not mandatory to have placeholder.
  3. You can read either standard or non-standard values
  4. It is not necessary that data stored in course22.txt file should be separated by either comma or space.


  1. A,B,C
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 Correct Answer : 4 Exp : When you use column input to read data than your data can have blank space, but can be read successfully. For missing data

 there is no need to have place holder they will be marked as missing in case of numeric as . and in case of character it would be a blank space.

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