Question 10: You have to write a program such that following conditions are met

  1. Course fee is less than or equal to $4000
  2. The course id is 1 or course name is ٓpark


 where fee <= 4000 and  id=1 or name='Spark';


 where (fee le 4000 and id=1)  or name='Spark';


 where fee <= 4000 and  (id=1 or name eq 'Spark');


 where fee <= 4000 or id=1  and name='Spark';

  1.           where fee <= 4000 and  id=1 or name='Spark';
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 Correct Answer : 3 Exp : As given requirement you can build your own expression and compare it with the given option.

 Fee<=4000 or you can write Fee le 4000 as well.

 Now the important thing is in 2nd requirement they want multiple conditions to be satisfied. Hence, they should be written in parenthesis to be correctly evaluated. Which you can write as below

 (id =1 or name = ٓpark)

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