Question-6: Can you please give another example of independent variables and dependent variables?

Answer: Yes, you would have all the click data from the website pages and user demographics. Like his age, education, duration on web page, pregnant etc. And based on that you want to predict whether product was purchased or not on the website.

Question-7: Is it true that usually Machine Learning algorithm can generate results in single iterations?

Answer: No, this is not true. If that have been a case, then no new technologies were needed to support and run Machine Learning algorithms. Almost, every Machine Learning algorithm required iterative processing on the data to generate or predict final and more accurate dependent variable.

Question-8: Can you give a reason why multiple iterations are needed in Machine Learning Model training?

Answer: In Machine Learning Model required iterative runs, because in each run it optimizes the algorithms. Your training model will start with a basic model and improves with each iteration by adjusting various internal parameters such as coefficients in each training iterations. And once all the iteration is finished, you would have a model which is well trained to make predictions on new data. Same happens with human being as well, as much as he gains experience in his or her life, he can well predict the planning for new project, that’s why a well-trained human being is paid more as well.

Question-9: In common words, what you have to do after model training before using it?

Answer: There are various tasks which we need to complete before you use your trained model like below.

  • Measure the success of your trained models.

Once, you are satisfied with your model. You put them in the production to predict the new values.

Question-10: Can you define Machine learning once again in different words?

Answer: Yes, we can say that Machine Learning is to create a Model using computer program or algorithm by teaching it again and again until it become accurate or very near to accurate for a particular task which you want to accomplish.