Question-96: Which all cloud platforms are supported by Cloudera manager?

Answer: Currently there are three cloud platform are supported as below

  • Amazon Web service
  • Google cloud platform
  • Microsoft Azure


Question- 97: Which service is used for time synchronization across all the host in the cluster?

Answer: CDH requires that you configure a network time protocol (NTP) service on each machine in your cluster. 


Question-98:  is Hue require python?

Answer:  yes, with CDH 6, Python 2.7 is required. 


Question-99:  when you use parcels or packages, what repository accesses are required?

Answer:  for a parcel installation, only the Cloudera manager server need internet access, but for a package installation all Cloudera host require access to the Cloudera repository. 


Question-100:  Can you please explain the parcels and why it does not require internet connection for installation?

Answer: Parcels are packaging format that facilitate upgrading software from within Cloudera manager. you can download, distribute, and activate a new software version all from within Cloudera manager.  Cloudera manager download parcel to a local directory.  Once the parcel is downloaded to the Cloudera manager server host, an internet connection is no longer needed to deploy the parcel. Even if your Cloudera manager server does not have internet access, you can obtain the required parcel files and put them into a parcel repository.