Question-61: If you want to use the LZO compression then which property in the core-site.xml needs to be configured?

Answer: We need to set the following property

Io.compressions.codecs -> com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec

Question-62: Is it possible that Hive query output can directly be saved as Lzo file?

Answer: Yes, you can do that. For that we have to use Lzo command utility to generate .lzo files. And use the following parameters.

SET mapreduce.output.fileformat.compress.codec to com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec

SET hive.exec.compress.output to true

SET mapreduce.output.fileformat.compress to true

Instead of that you can use your own custom Java code to generate the LZO file as part of Hive query output.

Question-63: While setting up Ambari, what all databases are created by default?

Answer: By default, Ambari installs the PostGresSQL for Ambari, MySQL for Hive and for OOZie it creates the Derby databases. However, you can use your own existing databases as well. Rather then crating new one by the Ambari installer. Microsoft SQL server is not supported as of now.

Question-64: Which is the default shared path for Java on Linux host?

Answer: Default shared java path is /usr/share/java . If you need to setup any java library like Oracle JDBC client ojdbc7.jar you need to copy at this path, with the chmod 644 permissions.

Question-65: What all are the default ports used by the Ambari server?

Answer: Following are the various ports by default used if admin does not change the same.

8080 -> This is for Ambari Web and Ambari REST API

8440 -> this is an HHTPS port for handshake between Agents and Server

8441 -> https port for registration and heartbeat port for Ambari agents and server.

8670 -> Used to check the health of the agent.