Question-61: Which is a popular Kubernetes client?

Answer: “kubectl” is an official Kubernetes client. This a command line tool for interacting with the Kubernetes API. Using this you can manage Kubernetes objects like Pods, ReplicaSets and Services. Managing, checking and monitoring the Kubernetes cluster health.

Question-62: How can you check version of Kubernetes client as well as Kubernetes API server?

Answer: You can use “kubectl version” command which would tell you the version for the this client tool itself as well as for Kubernetes API server.

Question-63: How can you get the overall cluster health?

Answer: For that you can use “kubectl get componentstatuses” command.

Question-64: What is the use of Controller Manager?

Answer: “controller-manager” component is responsible for running various controllers that regulate the behavior in the cluster. For instance, it make sure that all of the replicas of a service are available and healthy.

Question-65: Which all are the components which can make the Kubernetes cluster?

Answer: Following are the components for the Kubernetes cluster?

  • controller-manager
  • scheduler
  • etcd server