Question-141: Can you give example of major sectors of the global bond market?

Answer: Below are the example of global bond market

  • S. investment-grade bonds (including Treasury bonds).
  • S. high-yield bonds.
  • International government bonds.


Question-142: What are the Odd-Lot trading systems for Fixed Income Market?

Answer: Trade should be done with less than $1 MM(Million) of par value, and using odd-lot systems firms buy and sell fixed income securities, which is on behalf of direct retail investors. Because of that reason this system also supports variety of bond types for trading. Some explicit characteristics of such systems are

  • Most odd-lot systems are multi-dealer
  • Some dealers who specialize in odd lots can have single-dealer systems.
  • odd-lot trading systems can be used by institutional customers/investors if they want to trade in odd-lot positions.

Some examples of the Odd-Lot Systems are below

  • Knight BondPoint
  • BondDesk