Prepare for Certified Blockchain Solution Architect with 250+ Questions and Answer : Check Here

Real Exam Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Real Exam Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam


Question-21: What is a Genesis block?

Answer: This is a first block in a block chain.

Question-22: What is a block in a blockchain?

Answer: This is a file which records the transaction data is permanently. Blocks are organized into a linear sequence over time (also known as the block chain). New transactions are constantly being processed by miners into new blocks which are added to the end of the chain. As blocks are buried deeper and deeper into the blockchain they become harder and harder to change or remove, this gives rise of bitcoin's Irreversible Transactions. A block records all or some of the recent transactions that are not yet entered in any of the prior block. A block is a permanent record in a blockchain which can not be altered or removed once written.

Question-23: What is a BTC?

Answer: This is a unit value and also called a bitcoin and used to record a transaction on the ledger. And that ledger is known as Bitcoin blockchain.

Question-24: Which type of network is used by Bitcoin?

Answer: Bitcoin uses the decentralized nodes in order to maintain a record of transactions.

Question-25: What is the achieving consensus in blockchain world?

Answer: In case of blockchain a new transaction is added as a new block in the blockchain. And distributed users’ nodes are responsible for trusting a transaction. And the process to validate a transaction based on all the users running nodes is known as achieving consensus.

Prepare for Certified Blockchain Solution Architect with 250+ Questions and Answer : Check Here

Real Exam Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Real Exam Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam