Question 13: Select correct statements, with regards to Gossip protocol.

  1. Using Gossip protocol nodes periodically exchange state information about themselves and about other nodes they know about.
  2. The gossip process runs every 5 seconds and exchanges state messages with as many other nodes in the cluster as possible.
  3. The nodes exchange information about themselves and about the other nodes that they have gossiped about, so all nodes quickly learn about all other nodes in the cluster.
  4. A gossip message has a version associated with it


  1. A,B,C
  2. B,C,D
  3. A,C,D
  4. A,B,C,D

Correct Answer: 3

Explanation: Gossip is a peer-to-peer communication protocol in which nodes periodically exchange state information about themselves and about other nodes they know about. The gossip process runs every second and exchanges state messages with up to three other nodes in the cluster.

The nodes exchange information about themselves and about the other nodes that they have gossiped about, so all nodes quickly learn about all other nodes in the cluster. A gossip message has a version associated with it, so that during a gossip exchange, older information is overwritten with the most current state for a particular node.