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Sample Python Interview Questions and Answer

Answer: This certification is known as AWS Certified SysOps Administrator-Associate (SOA) certification.

Answer:Below three are the main high-level objectives for the certification
-    Technical Expertise in Deployment
-    Technical Expertise in Management
-    Technical Expertise for the Operations in AWS.
Answer: Below are the objectives mentioned by the AWS
-    Deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS.
-    Implement and control the flow of data to and from AWS.
-    Select the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements.
-    Identify appropriate use of AWS operational best practices.
-    Estimate AWS usage costs and identify operational cost control mechanisms.
-    Migrate on-premises workloads to AWS.
-    Deploy, manage, and operate workloads on AWS
-    Support and maintain AWS workloads according to the AWS Well-Architected Framework
-    Perform operations by using the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI
-    Implement security controls to meet compliance requirements
-    Monitor, log, and troubleshoot systems
-    Apply networking concepts (for example, DNS, TCP/IP, firewalls)
-    Implement architectural requirements (for example, high availability, performance, capacity)
-    Perform business continuity and disaster recovery procedures
-    Identify, classify, and remediate incidents
Answer:  In the following area expertise and knowledge expected, including experience.
-    Minimum of 1 year of hands-on experience with AWS
-    Experience managing/operating systems on AWS
-    Understanding of the AWS tenets – architecting for the cloud
-    Hands-on experience with the AWS CLI and SDKs/API tools
-    Understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS
-    Understanding of security concepts with hands-on experience in implementing security controls and compliance requirements
-    Understanding of the AWS tenets – architecting for the cloud
-    Hands-on experience with the AWS CLI and SDKs/API tools
-    Understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS
-    Understanding of security concepts with hands-on experience in implementing security controls and compliance requirements
-    Understanding of virtualization technology
-    Monitoring and auditing systems experience
-    Knowledge of networking concepts (e.g., DNS, TCP/IP, and firewalls)
-    Ability to translate architectural requirements
Answer: Below IT knowledge is expected from the candidate, who is appearing for this certification exam
-    1–2 years of experience as a systems administrator in a systems operation’s role
-    Understanding of virtualization technology
-    Monitoring and auditing systems experience
-    Knowledge of networking concepts (e.g., DNS, TCP/IP, and firewalls)
-    Ability to translate architectural requirements
Answer:The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA) examination is a pass or fail exam. The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certification industry best practices and guidelines. Your results for the examination are reported as a score from 100–1,000, with a minimum passing score of 720. Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty levels. Your score report contains a table of classifications of your performance at each section level. This information is designed to provide general feedback concerning your examination performance. The examination uses a compensatory scoring model, which means that you do not need to “pass” the individual sections, only the overall examination. Each section of the examination has a specific weighting, so some sections have more Questions than others. The table contains general information, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses. Exercise caution when interpreting section-level feedback.
Answer: Below are the detail for the real exam, each section and how much Question percentage from each domain you would be evaluated.

-    Domain 1: Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation 20%
-    Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity 16%
-    Domain 3: Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation 18%
-    Domain 4: Security and Compliance 16%
-    Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery 18%
-    Domain 6: Cost and Performance Optimization 12%
Answer: Yes, please find below.
Domain 1: Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation
•    Implement metrics, alarms, and filters by using AWS monitoring and logging services
o    Identify, collect, analyze, and export logs (for example, Amazon CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Logs
o    Insights, AWS CloudTrail logs)
o    Collect metrics and logs using the CloudWatch agent
o    Create CloudWatch alarms
o    Create metric filters
o    Create CloudWatch dashboards
o    Configure notifications (for example, Amazon Simple Notification Service [Amazon SNS], Service
o    Quotas, CloudWatch alarms, AWS Health events)
•    Remediate issues based on monitoring and availability metrics
o    Troubleshoot or take corrective actions based on notifications and alarms
o    Configure Amazon EventBridge rules to trigger actions
o    Use AWS Systems Manager Automation documents to take action based on AWS Config rules
Domain 2: Reliability and Business Continuity
•    Implement scalability and elasticity
o    Create and maintain AWS Auto Scaling plans
o    Implement caching
o    Implement Amazon RDS replicas and Amazon Aurora Replicas
o    Implement loosely coupled architectures
o    Differentiate between horizontal scaling and vertical scaling
•    Implement high availability and resilient environments
o    Configure Elastic Load Balancer and Amazon Route 53 health checks
o    Differentiate between the use of a single Availability Zone and Multi-AZ deployments for example,
o    Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon FSx, Amazon RDS)
o    Implement fault-tolerant workloads (for example, Amazon Elastic File System [Amazon EFS], Elastic IP addresses)
o     Implement Route 53 routing policies (for example, failover, weighted, latency based)
•    Implement backup and restore strategies
o    Automate snapshots and backups based on use cases (for example, RDS snapshots, AWS Backup, RTO and RPO, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, retention policy)
o    Restore databases (for example, point-in-time restore, promote read replica)
o    Implement versioning and lifecycle rules
o    Configure Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication
o    Execute disaster recovery procedures
Domain 3: Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation
•    Provision and maintain cloud resources
o    Create and manage AMIs (for example, EC2 Image Builder)
o    Create, manage, and troubleshoot AWS CloudFormation
o    Provision resources across multiple AWS Regions and accounts (for example, AWS Resource Access Manager, CloudFormation StackSets, IAM cross-account roles)
o    Select deployment scenarios and services (for example, blue/green, rolling, canary)
o    Identify and remediate deployment issues (for example, service quotas, subnet sizing,
o    CloudFormation and AWS OpsWorks errors, permissions)
•    Automate manual or repeatable processes
o    Use AWS services (for example, OpsWorks, Systems Manager, CloudFormation) to automate deployment processes
o    Implement automated patch management
o    Schedule automated tasks by using AWS services (for example, EventBridge, AWS Config)
Domain 4: Security and Compliance
•    Implement and manage security and compliance policies
o    Implement IAM features (for example, password policies, MFA, roles, SAML, federated identity, resource policies, policy conditions)
o    Troubleshoot and audit access issues by using AWS services (for example, CloudTrail, IAM Access Analyzer, IAM policy simulator)
o    Validate service control policies and permission boundaries
o    Review AWS Trusted Advisor security checks
o    Validate AWS Region and service selections based on compliance requirements
o    Implement secure multi-account strategies (for example, AWS Control Tower, AWS Organizations)
•    Implement data and infrastructure protection strategies
o    Enforce a data classification scheme
o    Create, manage, and protect encryption keys
o    Implement encryption at rest (for example, AWS Key Management Service [AWS KMS])
o    Implement encryption in transit (for example, AWS Certificate Manager, VPN)
o    Securely store secrets by using AWS services (for example, AWS Secrets Manager, Systems Manager Parameter Store)
o    Review reports or findings (for example, AWS Security Hub, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, Amazon Inspector)
Domain 5: Networking and Content Delivery
•    Implement networking features and connectivity
o    Configure a VPC (for example, subnets, route tables, network ACLs, security groups, NAT gateway, internet gateway)
o    Configure private connectivity (for example, Systems Manager Session Manager, VPC endpoints, VPC peering, VPN)
o    Configure AWS network protection services (for example, AWS WAF, AWS Shield)
•    Configure domains, DNS services, and content delivery
o    Configure Route 53 hosted zones and records
o    Implement Route 53 routing policies (for example, geolocation, geoproximity)
o    Configure DNS (for example, Route 53 Resolver)
o    Configure Amazon CloudFront and S3 origin access identity (OAI)
o    Configure S3 static website hosting
•    Troubleshoot network connectivity issues
o    Interpret VPC configurations (for example, subnets, route tables, network ACLs, security groups)
o    Collect and interpret logs (for example, VPC Flow Logs, Elastic Load Balancer access logs, AWS WAF web ACL logs, CloudFront logs)
o    Identify and remediate CloudFront caching issues
o    Troubleshoot hybrid and private connectivity issues
Domain 6: Cost and Performance Optimization
•    Implement cost optimization strategies
o    Implement cost allocation tags
o    Identify and remediate underutilized or unused resources by using AWS services and tools (for example, Trusted Advisor, AWS Compute Optimizer, Cost Explorer)
o    Configure AWS Budgets and billing alarms
o    Assess resource usage patterns to qualify workloads for EC2 Spot Instances
o    Identify opportunities to use managed services (for example, Amazon RDS, AWS Fargate, EFS)
•    Implement performance optimization strategies
o    Recommend compute resources based on performance metrics
o    Monitor Amazon EBS metrics and modify configuration to increase performance efficiency
o    Implement S3 performance features (for example, S3 Transfer Acceleration, multipart uploads)
o    Monitor RDS metrics and modify the configuration to increase performance efficiency (for example, performance insights, RDS Proxy)
o    Enable enhanced EC2 capabilities (for example, enhanced network adapter, instance store, placement groups)
Answer:  There would be 65 multiple choice, multiple response Questions and also include the Exam Lab.
Answer:  There would be in total 130 Minutes or 2 Hr 10 Minutes.
Answer: It means there would be at least 2 correct Answers from the given 5 options.
Answer: It means there would be only 1 correct Answer, and there would be three distractors. This is even more difficult to Answer, until and unless you have practiced well from the HadoopExam provided Questions and Answers.
Answer: You would be given scenarios, which composed of a set of tasks to Perform in the AWS Management Console or using AWS CLI.
Answer: All multiple-choice and multiple-response Questions will appear at the start of the exam in one section. The end of this section will include a review screen, where you can return to any of the multiple-choice and multiple-response Questions. This will be the last opportunity to Answer the Questions or change any Answer selections. If your exam contains exam labs, that section will appear after the multiple-choice and multiple-response section. You will NOT be able to go back to the first section after you start the second section.
Answer: No, each section of the exam has a specific weighting, so some sections have more Questions than other sections have. The table contains general information that highlights your strengths and weaknesses. Use caution when interpreting section-level feedback.
Answer: In this case, you would be given a pre-created AWS account by the AWS Exam itself. Hence, you don’t have to worry about the creating new account while or before the exam.
Answer:There is no fixed limit provided by AWS as such. However, what they recommend is When you begin your exam, you will receive notification about the number of Questions in the multiple-choice and multiple-response section, and the number of exam labs in the exam lab section. You will also learn the percentage of your score that will be determined by your work in the exam labs. Plan to leave 20 minutes to complete each exam lab.
Answer: Finish all work on an exam lab before moving to the next exam lab. You will NOT be able to return to a prior exam lab. You are welcome to use the virtual machine notepad or AWS CLI while working on your exam labs.

Answer: There might be more than one way to perform an exam lab. In those cases, you will receive full credit if you achieve the correct end state to the scenario. You will receive partial credit for partial completion of exam labs. However, exam content and the associated scoring are confidential, so you will receive no further information regarding partial credit that is awarded for an exam lab.
Answer: Yes, If you take your exam through online proctoring, you can use an external monitor as your ONLY display. Set your screen resolution to 280 pixels x 1024 pixels or greater for a PC, and 1440 pixels x 900 pixels or greater for a Mac. Set the scaling to 100%. Set the scaling to 100%. Other settings might result in a need to scroll within the console
Answer:  The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA) exam is a pass or fail exam. The exam is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who follow certification industry best practices and guidelines.
Answer: Your results for the exam are reported as a score from 100–1,000. The minimum passing score is 720. Your score shows how you performed on the exam as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that might have slightly different difficulty levels.
Answer: For Python developers, it turns out that there are several certifications available. So, let’s take a look at what’s out there to help decide if Python certification could be good for your career.

The Most Popular (and Only) Python Certifications

The Python Institute is a training organization focused on sharpening the Python developer’s skill set. As such, they offer several certifications to demonstrate proficiency at different levels.

PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

As the name implies, the PCEP is the starting point to Python certification for newbies, previous programming experience optional. By the time you’re ready to test for the PCEP, you should have gained your footing in procedural programming concepts, as well as learned some Python specifics such as the language syntax and runtime environment.

Python Programming language is becoming the most demanding and useful computer programming language due to its simplicity and understanding features.
If we compare Python with other languages, python is more easily understandable and readable language. Python language has many vast applications in almost every technology sector like Data Science, Web Development, Gaming, Image processing, Data Analysing, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

Answer: No, your score report contains a table that classifies your performance at each section level. This information is intended to provide general feedback about your exam performance. The exam uses a compensatory scoring model, which means that you do not need to achieve a passing score in each individual section. You need to pass only the overall exam.

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