Question-12: Your containerized applications may be deployed, maintained, and scaled with the help of Google infrastructure by using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), which offers a managed environment. The Google Compute Engine environment (GKE) is made up of a cluster that is formed by numerous individual computers (particularly, instances of Google Compute Engine). The Google Kubernetes Engine is used by your web application in order to efficiently handle many workloads. Even after pod scaling and relaunches, a certain workload calls for a constant set of hostnames to be in place. In order to successfully do this task, which aspect of Kubernetes should you employ?
A. StatefulSets
B. Role-based access control
C. Container environment variables
D. Persistent Volumes
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: 1 Explanation: StatefulSets is a feature of Kubernetes, which the question asks about. Yes, Persistent volumes are required by StatefulSets. A StatefulSet is the Kubernetes controller used to run the stateful application as containers (Pods) in the Kubernetes cluster. StatefulSets assign a sticky identity—an ordinal number starting from zero—to each Pod instead of assigning random IDs for each replica Pod. A new Pod is created by cloning the previous Pod’s data. StatefulSets StatefulSets are suitable for deploying Kafka, MySQL, Redis, ZooKeeper, and other applications needing unique, persistent identities and stable hostnames. Read more about StatefulSets. StatefulSets are designed to deploy stateful applications and clustered applications that save data to persistent storage, such as Compute Engine persistent disks. StatefulSets are suitable for deploying Kafka, MySQL, Redis, ZooKeeper, and other applications needing unique, persistent identities and stable hostnames.