Question-11: Is Kubernetes for distributed applications?

Answer: Yes, Kubernetes is a platform for creating, deploying, and managing distributed applications. However, it also solves many other problems like Shared Library Dependencies. You no more need to have shared library which your application requires different version and other application on same machine require another version. You can ship the library version which you want with your application as part of container and no need to share with other application on same machine.

Question-12: Which is the container runtime env. you know are available?

Answer: Docker and Podman I know as of now.

Question-13: What do you mean by registry?

Answer: Registry is the place where once your image is built or image building file e.g Dockerfile, you can keep it and you can share with others as well. And whenever and whoever required these images can pull it back and use it. And also helps you to manage and deploy private-images as well. And you can also use image-builder services to provide integration with continuous delivery system.

Question-14: What is the container image?

Answer: Container image is a bundle which include your program, and its dependencies into a single artifact under root file system. This also include some metadata which is used by a container runtime to start a running application instance based on the contents of the container image.

Question-15: Which is the most popular container image format?

Answer: As of this writing Docker image was most popular but RedHat 8.0 onwards they want to reduce the Docker monopoly and stopped supporting Docker and supporting PodMan as a new image format.