Question-23: Inside of a container, the TIBCO Fulfillment Catalog may be deployed using the simplest method possible, which is a single node with a single pod. Both the Kubernetes Master and the Kubernetes Node will be running on the same node in this configuration (physical or virtual). You run a business that uses Kubernetes, and one of its applications retrieves messages from Pub/Sub and saves them in Filestore. Due to the application's lack of complexity, it was only necessary to install a single pod. After conducting an investigation into Pub/Sub metrics, the infrastructure team came to the conclusion that the application is unable to handle the messages in real time. The majority of them must sit there for a few minutes before they are processed. You will need to find a way to scale the arduous input/output elaboration process. What action should you take?
A. Use kubectl autoscale deployment APP NAME —max 6 —min 2 —cpu-percent 50 to setup Kubernetes autoscaling deployment.
B. Set up a Kubernetes autoscaling deployment using the subscription/push request latencies metric as the basis for the configuration.
C. When you are creating the Kubernetes cluster, be sure to use the —enable-autoscaling parameter.
D. Set up an autoscaling deployment for Kubernetes depending on the statistic for the number of undeliverable messages in the subscription.
Correct Answer

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: 4 Explanation: apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2 kind: HorizontalPod Autoscaler metadata: name: pubsub spec: min Replicas: 1 max Replicas: Five Metrics to Consider - an external metric with the name subscription and num undelivered messages from match is the selector. echo-read is the subscription id for the labels resource.labels.subscription. target: type: Average Value average Value: 2 external scale as the kind URI: TargetRef: api Version: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: pubsub. Please verify the following code: —max-num-replicas=100 —min-num-replicas=0 — undelivered messages —stackdriver-metric-filter= resource.type = pubsub subscription AND resource.labels.subscription id = our-subscription —stackdriver-metric-single-instance-assignment=15 Stackdriver Metric Single Instance Assignment.