Question-24: GKE, Utilize a regional cluster if you want to operate more than 2,000 nodes simultaneously. Note that increasing the cluster size limit in order to run more than 5,000 nodes is required. Get in touch with support if you need help. Your group is putting the finishing touches on a web application that will be hosted on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Your CTO anticipates that the launch will be successful, and you need to guarantee that your application is capable of managing the anticipated demand of tens of thousands of users. You need to run some tests on the current deployment to check if the amount of delay experienced by your application remains below a predetermined threshold. What action should you take?
A. Utilize a load testing tool to simulate the anticipated number of concurrent users and total requests made to your application, and then evaluate the outcomes of the simulation.
B. Enable horizontal pod autoscaling for your application deployments and autoscaling for the GKE cluster itself. Validate the functionality of the auto scaling feature by sending curl queries to your application.
C. Duplicate the application over a number of different GKE clusters located in each area of Google Cloud. Install and configure a global HTTP(S) load balancer to share a single global IP address with the many clusters.
D. In the development environment, make use of Cloud Debugger to get an understanding of the latency that exists between the various microservices.

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