Question-39: If a customer is willing to accept that their Google Compute Engine (GCE) virtual machine (VM) instance will be terminated after twenty-four hours, then they are eligible to purchase a Google Compute Engine (GCE) virtual machine (VM) instance at a significant discount. This type of instance is known as a Preemptible VM (PVM). Using Google Compute Engine, you have successfully established many instances of pre-emptible Linux virtual machines. Before the virtual machines are preempted, you need to ensure that your programme has been correctly terminated. What action should you take?
A. Create a shutdown script with the name k99.shutdown and place it in the directory /etc/rc.6.d/.
B. Develop a shutdown script for Linux, register it as a xinetd service, and set up a Stackdriver endpoint check to contact the service.
C. When you create the new virtual machine instance, you must first construct a shutdown script and then use that script as the value for a new metadata item in the Cloud Platform Console that has the key shutdown-script.
D. Create a shutdown script and register it under Linux as a xinetd service. Then, use the gcloud compute instances add-metadata command to create a new metadata entry with the key shutdown-script-url and enter the service URL as the value for the entry.

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