Question-53: A petabyte is a unit of measurement for memory or the capacity to store data that is equal to 2 to the 50th power of bytes. This makes a petabyte the unit of measurement for memory that is equal to 2 to the 50th power of bytes. One exabyte is equivalent to about 1,024 petabytes (PB), which may also be expressed as one million gigabytes. Exabytes are the unit of measure for very large amounts of data (GB). The unit of measure known as a terabyte (TB) is equivalent to one million gigabytes (GB). Your organization has decided to move a data collection that is many petabytes in size to the cloud. The data set has to be accessible at all times of the day and night. Your business analysts' sole previous experience is with interacting with a SQL interface. What is the best way to save the data so that it can be analyzed quickly and easily?
A. Load data into Google BigQuery
B. Insert data into Google Cloud SQL
C. Put flat files into Google Cloud Storage
D. Stream data into Google Cloud Datastore
Correct Answer

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: 1 Explanation: This question might be answered differently depending on whether one goes with Option 1 or Option 2. But according to a number of presentations and videos published by Google, Big Query was developed with this purpose in mind. The database that Cloud Datastore uses is called NoSQL. The Cloud Storage service does not come equipped with a SQL interface. The choices Option 3 and Option 4 are removed from consideration by the two sentences that came before them. The reason for this is because they want to perform analysis on the data, and BigQuery is superior to Cloud SQL when it comes to doing so. Both support running SQL queries, but I BigQuery has superior analytical tools. It is able to perform ad-hoc analysis similar to Cloud SQL by utilising Cloud Standard SQL, and it is also able to perform geo-spatial and ML analysis through the interface of Cloud Standard SQL. Furthermore, the inquiry does not specify whether or not the data are relational. Therefore, we cannot conclude that it is only relational. Therefore, Big Query is the best choice because it allows for the greatest amount of flexibility. Take note that the storage capacity of Cloud SQL has reached 64 terabytes. Cloud SQL does not scale to that magnitude also Cloud SQL is not meant for OLAP Answer is BigQuery Bcause BQ (and BT) are usually meant for analytics.B is incorrect due to the fact that Cloud SQL is not capable of scaling to that volume. The answer C is incorrect due to the fact that Cloud Storage does not offer a conventional SQL mechanism. It's possible that D is correct, but because of the analytics requirement, it doesn't make much sense.