Question-14: You are setting up 4 node cluster and you are expecting that in future you may want to expand this cluster to another data center as well, then which of the following statement is correct?

  1. You will be using NetworkTopologyStrategy
  2. You should avoid defining number of replicas during keyspace creation.
  3. You should define the replica placement strategy while creating keyspace.
  4. You should define which node will act as a master while crating keyspace.

Ans: A,C

Exp: Using the replication strategy you can define on which node individual replica should be placed in the cluster. There is no concept of master/slave in Cassandra database. Hence, option-4 is out.

Any of the replica is not unique or special in any sense. Every replica of a row is same.

As question is asking in future you may want to expand your cluster across other datacenter as well then in this case you have to choose NetworkTopologyStrategy, which is suitable for expanding cluster across datacenter in future. Hence, option-1 is correct.

You have to define replica placement strategy and replication factor while creating keyspace. So option-3 is also correct.