Question-15: Which of the following statements are correct for the snitch?

  1. It helps in mapping IP addresses of nodes to physical and virtual locations like racks and datacenters.
  2. Snitches inform the database about the network topology used.
  3. GossipingPropertyFileSnitch is recommended in most of the cases.
  4. A,B
  5. A,B,C

Ans : E

Exp: A snitch helps in mapping IP addresses of nodes to physical and virtual locations. For example, racks and datacenters. Snitches inform the database about the network topology so that requests are routed efficiently and allows the database to distribute replicas by grouping machines into datacenters and racks.

It is mandatory to configure the snitch while creating a cluster. All type of snitches uses a dynamic snitch layer, which monitors performance and chooses the best replica for reading. The dynamic snitch is enabled by default and recommended for use in most deployments. Configure dynamic snitch threshold for each node in the cassandra.yaml configuration file. We should use GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, it helps in defining datacenter and rack. It also uses the gossip protocol for propagating information to other nodes in cluster.