Question-4: Can you please map the following




Source Code



  1. In this case your code would be translated in a Machine Language.
  2. In this case your source code would be directly execute the instructions written in a programming language.
  3. Your compiled code can be executed using this.
  4. This is a file which contain your instructions written High Level Programming Language.



Converting Programming Language to Machine Language

  • Computer can understand only Machine Language.
  • Hence, Programming language needs to be converted into Machine Language.
  • There are two possible ways by which programming languages can be converted into Machine Language
    • Compilation
    • Interpretation

Program Compilation

  • In this case your program or source code would be translated into Machine Language.
  • As many times you change your source file, it needs to be compiled again.
  • Once compiled it generate compiled version of the code, which you can distribute and people can execute it.
  • For example, “.exe” file is a compiled code. Which contain Machine Language and you can give that *.exe file to anybody. He can execute that on Windows Machine.

Program Interpretation

  • In case of interpretation program has to be translated each time you want to run. It’s not one-time activity as compiling once and run anywhere.
  • There is interpreter required to translate your program each time it is translated.
  • Hence, distributing your source code would not help until and unless end user does not have interpreter.

Compilation or interpretation

  • Hence, high level programming languages are based on either compiler based or interpreter based.
  • However, there are few languages which are based on either compiler and interpreter both.

How program is read or translated by compiler or interpreter

  • Interpreter or compiler read your source file line by line.
  • Check syntax and semantics of the code.
  • If everything is fine, it moves to next line.
  • In case there is any issue on a particular line. Compiler or interpreter will stop there and give error.


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