Question 25: For the first observation, what is the value of diff{i} at the end of the second iteration of the DO loop? array wt{*} obs1-obs10; array diff{9}; do i=1 to 9; diff{i}=wt{i+1}-wt{i}; end;

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 Correct Answer : 1

 Exp : At the end of the second iteration, diff{i} resolves as follows: diff{2}=wt{2+1}-wt{2}; diff{2}=215-200

 In the DO statement, you specify the index variable that represents the values of the array elements. Then specify the start and stop positions of the array elements. Example : Using the Iterative DO Statement without Infinite Looping In each of the following examples, the DO group executes ten times. The first example demonstrates the preferred approach.

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