Question-111: What is the different type of cluster you can create?

Answer:  you can create following two type of cluster

  • Regular Cluster:  A regular cluster contains storage nodes, compute nodes, and other services such as metadata and security co-located in a single cluster.
  • Compute cluster:   A compute cluster consists of only compute nodes, connect to an existing storage, metadata for security services, you must first choose or create a data context on a base cluster. 

If you are doing new installations, Regular Cluster is the only available option.  You cannot have a compute cluster if you do not have an existing base cluster. 


Question-112:  What exactly Cloudera Enterprise?

Answer:  Cloudera Enterprise brings open source Hadoop framework and its Commercial support to the platform. 


Question-113:  In Cloudera enterprise where does Cloudera navigator fit in?

Answer:  It helps in security with the following functionalities

  • Navigator Encrypt also known as NavEncrypt, which encrypt and secure data at rest.
  • Navigator Key Trustee Server: Which works as key management store, which is used by Navigator Encrypt, which separates the encryption keys from your data.  
  • Navigator Key HSM: This is a Hardware security module, which provides the highest level of security for your encryption keys. 
  • Navigator Audit Server: Collects audit events from cluster services and provide central searchable audit dashboard. 
  • Navigator Metadata server: collects technical metadata from assets in your cluster and uses that information is used to show how this data is being used and how it changes over time. 

Both Audit server and Metadata server share the single user interface, which is Navigator console. Combining this Navigator products with the access policy and enforcement from Apache Sentry and the security management features of Cloudera Manager, provides comprehensive security and governance. Hence, we can say that Cloudera Navigator offers the components for security, data management, and data optimization. 


Question-114: Cloudera Navigator divided in three major parts what all are those?

Answer: These three are below

  • Cloudera Navigator Data Encryption: This is a component used for data at rest encryption and also include Key Management suite, NavEncrypt and Key Trustee Server.
  • Cloudera Navigator Data Management: is a comprehensive auditing, data governance, compliance, data stewardship, and data lineage discovery component that is fully integrated with Hadoop.
  • Cloudera Navigator Optimizer: This is an analysis tool that profiles and analyzes query text in SQL workloads, which is used to better understand the workloads, identify and offload queries best suited for Hadoop. Even it optimizes the workloads which is already running on Hive and Impala. 


Question-115: Can Cloudera navigator be installed without Cloudera manager?

Answer:  No, Cloudera Navigator auditing and meta data subsystem interact with various Cloudera manager subsystem.  Cloudera manager is a prerequisite for Cloudera navigator and must be installed before you can install Cloudera navigator.