Q36. How do you define NiFi content repository?

Ans: As we mentioned previously, contents are not stored in the FlowFile. They are stored in the content repository and referenced by the FlowFile. This allows the contents of FlowFiles to be stored independently and efficiently based on the underlying storage mechanism.

Q37. Does NiFi works as a master-slave architecture?

Ans: No, from NiFi 1.0 there is 0-master philosophy is considered. And each node in the NiFi cluster is the same. NiFi cluster is managed by the Zookeeper. Apache ZooKeeper elects a single node as the Cluster Coordinator, and failover is handled automatically by ZooKeeper. All cluster nodes report heartbeat and status information to the Cluster Coordinator. The Cluster Coordinator is responsible for disconnecting and connecting nodes. Additionally, every cluster has one Primary Node, also elected by ZooKeeper.

Q38. If you are working as a DataFlow Manager on a clustered NiFi setup, than which node you will be using to create dataflow?

Ans: As a DataFlow manager, you can interact with the NiFi cluster through the user interface (UI) of any node. Any change you make is replicated to all nodes in the cluster, allowing for multiple entry points.

Q39. How NiFi does guarantees the delivery of the messages?

Ans: This is achieved through effective use of a purpose built persistent write-ahead log and content repository.

Q40. If you need to do site-to-site deployment, then which all files would you configure?

Ans: To create site-to-site deployment, you have to do following configurations.

  1. state-management.xml : to reflect my zookeeper instances
  2. properties : for site-to-site properties and cluster properties
  3. properties and authorizers.xml : to reflect the hostnames of all nodes