SAS Certification A00-231 is for the Base Programming and helps in getting the Jobs faster and easily or gives growth in the Data Analytics Career. More than 12000 Candidates had subscribed the SAS products from for their certification preparation the reason behind is getting always updated material. However, there are books available from the SAS Institute itself but this are not good enough to practice and clear the certification exam. However, this books give and enormous amount of knowledge which you can get with years of experience. If you really want to clear this certification in lesser time than you must have subscription one of the below subscription from
SAS® Certified Associate: Programming Fundamentals Using SAS 9.4 (A00-215) : New
SAS® Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 (A00-231) : New
SAS® Certified Professional: Advanced Programming Using SAS® 9.4 (A00-232) : New
SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling Credential
SAS Certified Platform Administrator 9 (A00-250) Certification Practice Questions
Generally, we have seen employer refund this material cost as well for preparing the certification, because many of the employer are having premium subscription from the HadoopExam which is accessible for one year for individual student (Once License for One Student) . You must force your manager to get this subscription, because in this training you are getting more than 100's of examples as well as we are keep adding more and more examples questions and answer of regular basis and all the learners are getting benefit from this, why you should not.