Scenario-1: You have been given a data file named “he_data1.csv”, please accomplish the following activity and provide the answer.
- Load this file as fileref ‘he_data’
- Create a temporary dataset named ‘he_data1’
- Create another temporary dataset named ‘he_data1_new’ and add another feature which provide the total fee by applying the 18% tax on the course fee.
- Now answer following questions
Question-1: What is the total fee in observation-7 in dataset “he_data1_new”?
Answer: 531
Question-2: What is the total fee in observation-7
Answer: 481
Question-3: How can you add “MaxEndDate” variable in each observation having value as 03/31/20.
- var MaxEndDate='31Mar2020'd;
format MaxEndDate mmddyy8.;
- MaxEndDate='31Mar2020'd;
informat MaxEndDate mmddyy8.;
- MaxEndDate='31/03/2020'd;
format MaxEndDate mmddyy8.;
- MaxEndDate='31Mar2020'd;
format MaxEndDate mmddyy8.;
Answer: D
Explanation: You can use a separate FORMAT statement for each variable, or you can format several variables (using either the same format or different formats) in a single FORMAT statement.
format date mmddyy8.;
associates the format MMDDYY8. with the variable Date as example 03/31/20 (8 character including 2 ‘/’)
*Create a File Reference for the csv file; FILENAME he_data '/folders/myfolders/he_sas/he_data1.csv' ; run;
* Import the fileref as SAS data set; PROC IMPORT DATAFILE=he_data DBMS=CSV out=work.he_data1 replace; RUN;
* Calculate total fee by applying 18% Taxes; data work.he_data1_new; set work.he_data1; TotalFee=(CourseFee*18)/100 +CourseFee ; run;
* Print the SAS Data set and find the answer for first question; PROC PRINT DATA=work.he_data1_new; run;
* now apply the logic to readuce the fee by 50, if total fee is more than 500; data work.he_data2_new; set work.he_data1; TotalFee=(CourseFee*18)/100 +CourseFee ; if(TotalFee>500) then TotalFee=TotalFee-50; MaxEndDate='31Mar2020'd; format MaxEndDate mmddyy8.; run;
* Print the SAS Dataset and find the answer for second question; PROC PRINT DATA=work.he_data2_new; run; |