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Hadoop Training with Hands On Practical (Module 11A,11B,11C,11D,11E, 15,16,19,21,34,35,36,37,38) with Life time Access and 24X7 Available ( Never Expires) & Updates are Free for Lifetime
Training Key Features 1.
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Price: $160.00
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Click Here For Training FAQ * First three modules are free (Best Quality is Promise, watch it right now)
This Training is Good for following Certification as well.
1. BigData Inroduction
2. Hadoop Introduction
3. HDFS Introduction
4. MapReduce Introduction
Video URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-qjyEn3bjs (View Demo)
Module 2 : Deep Dive in HDFS : Available (Length 48 Minutes) + Useful for CCA175
1. HDFS Design
2. Fundamental of HDFS (Blocks, NameNode, DataNode, Secondary Name
3. Rack Awareness
4. Read/Write from HDFS
5. HDFS Federation and High Availability
(Hadoop 2.x.x)
6. Parallel Copying using DistCp
7. HDFS Command Line Interface
Video URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK6Im7tBWow (View
Module 2A : HDFS File Operation Lifecycle (Supplementary) : Available (Length 45 Minutes)
File Read Cycel from HDFS
- DistributedFileSystem
- FSDataInputStream
2. Failure or Error Handling When File Reading Fails
3. File Write Cycle from HDFS
- FSDataOutputStream
4. Failure or Error Handling while File write fails
Video URL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu2EGfQY-i4 (View Demo)
Module 3 : Understanding
MapReduce : Available (Length 60 Minutes)
1. JobTracker and TaskTracker
2. Topology Hadoop cluster
3. Example of MapReduce
Map Function
Reduce Function
4. Java Implementation of MapReduce
5. DataFlow of MapReduce
6. Use of Combiner
Module 4 : MapReduce Internals -1 (In Detail) : Available (Length 57 Minutes)
1. How MapReduce Works
2. Anatomy of MapReduce Job (MR-1)
3. Submission & Initialization of MapReduce Job (What Happen
4. Assigning & Execution of Tasks
5. Monitoring & Progress of MapReduce Job
6. Completion of Job
7. Handling of MapReduce Job
- Task Failure
- TaskTracker Failure
- JobTracker Failure
Module 5 : MapReduce-2 (YARN : Yet Another Resource Negotiator Hadoop 2.x.x ) : Available (Length 52 Minutes)
1. Limitation of Current Architecture
2. What are the Requirement ?
3. YARN Architecture
4. JobSubmission and Job Initialization
5. Task Assignment and Task Execution
6. Progress and Monitoring of the Job
7. Failure Handling in YARN
- Task Failure
- Application Master Failure
- Node Manager Failure
- Resource Manager Failure
Module 6 : Advanced Topic for
MapReduce (Performance and Optimization) :
(Length 58 Minutes)
1. Job Sceduling
2. In Depth Shuffle and Sorting
3. Speculative Execution
4. Output Committers
5. JVM Reuse in MR1
6. Configuration and Performance Tuning
Module 7 : Advanced MapReduce
Algorithm : Available (Length 87 Minutes)
File Based Data Structure
- Sequence File
- MapFile
Default Sorting In MapReduce
- Data Filtering (Map-only jobs)
- Partial Sorting
Data Lookup Stratgies
- In MapFiles
Sorting Algorithm
- Total Sort (Globally Sorted Data)
- InputSampler
- Secondary Sort
Module 9 : Features of MapReduce : Available : Private (Length 61 Minutes)
Introduction to MapReduce Counters
Types of Counters
Task Counters
Job Counters
User Defined Counters
Propagation of Counters
Side Data Distribution
Using JobConfiguration
Distributed Cache
Steps to Read and Delete Cache File
Module 10: MapReduce DataTypes
and Formats : Available : Private (Length 77 Minutes)
1.Serialization In Hadoop
2. Hadoop Writable and Comparable
3. Hadoop RawComparator and Custom Writable
4. MapReduce Types and Formats
5. Understand Difference Between Block and InputSplit
6. Role of RecordReader
7. FileInputFormat
8. ComineFileInputFormat and Processing whole file Single Mapper
9. Each input File as a record
10. Text/KeyValue/NLine InputFormat
11. BinaryInput processing
12. MultipleInputs Format
13. DatabaseInput and Output
14. Text/Biinary/Multiple/Lazy OutputFormat MapReduce Types
Module 11 : Apache Pig : Available (Length 52 Minutes)
1. What is Pig ?
2. Introduction to Pig Data Flow Engine
3. Pig and MapReduce in Detail
4. When should Pig Used ?
5. Pig and Hadoop Cluster
6. Pig Interpreter and MapReduce
7. Pig Relations and Data Types
8. PigLatin Example in Detail
9. Debugging and Generating Example in Apache Pig
11A : Hands
On : Apache
Pig Coding : Available (Length 23 Minutes)
1. Working with Grunt shell
2. Create word count application
3. Execute word count application
4. Accessing HDFS from grunt shell
11B : Hands
On : Apache
Pig Complex Datatypes : Available (Length 14
1. Understand Map, Tuple and Bag
2. Create Outer Bag and Inner Bag
3. Defining Pig Schema
11C : Hands
On : Apache
Pig Data loading : Available (Length 14 Minutes)
1. Understand Load statement
2. Loading csv file
3. Loading csv file with schema
4. Loading Tab separated file
5. Storing back data to HDFS.
11D : Hands
On : Apache
Pig Statements : Available (Length 8 Minutes)
1. ForEach statement
2. Example 1 : Data projecting and foreach statement
3. Example 2 : Projection using schema
4. Example 3 : Another way of selecting columns using two dots ..
11E : Hands
On : Apache
Pig Complex Datatype practice : Available
(Length 16 Minutes)
1. Example 1 : Loading Complex Datatypes
2. Example 2 : Loading compressed files
3. Example 3 : Store relation as compressed files
4. Example 4 : Nested FOREACH statements to solved same problem.
Module 12 : Fundamental of Apache Hive Part-1 : Available (Length 60 Minutes) + Useful for CCA175
1. What is Hive ?
2. Architecture of Hive
3. Hive Services
4. Hive Clients
5. how Hive Differs from Traditional RDBMS
6. Introduction to HiveQL
7. Data Types and File Formats in Hive
8. File Encoding
9. Common problems while working with Hive
Module 13 : Apache Hive
: Available (Length 73 Minutes ) + Useful for
1. HiveQL
2. Managed and External Tables
3. Understand Storage Formats
4. Querying Data
- Sorting and Aggregation
- MapReduce In Query
- Joins, SubQueries and Views
5. Writing User Defined Functions (UDFs)
3. Data types and schemas
4. Querying Data
5. HiveODBC
6. User-Defined Functions
14 : Understanding NGram algorithm Available
(Length 14 Minutes) : Newly Replaced
15 : Hands
On : Step by
Step Process creating and Configuring eclipse for writing
MapReduce Code Available (Length 29 Minutes) :
Newly Replaced
16 : Hands
On : Analyzing
the Result by Running NGram application (UniGram, BiGram,
TriGram etc.) Available (Length 19 Minutes) :
Newly Replaced
1. What is NoSQL ?
2. NoSQL Characerstics or Common Traits
3. Catgories of NoSQL DataBases
- Key-Value Database
- Document DataBase
- Column Family DataBase
- Graph DataBase
4. Aggregate Orientation : Perfect fit for NoSQl
5. NOSQL Implementation
6. Key-Value Database Example and Use
7. Document DataBase Example and Use
8. Column Family DataBase Example and Use
9. What is Polyglot persistence ?
Module 18 : HBase Introduction : : Available (Part-1 Length 48 Minutes and Part-2 Length-37 Minutes) New
1. Fundamentals of HBase
2. Usage Scenerio of HBase
3. Use of HBase in Search Engine
4. HBase DataModel
- Table and Row
- Column Family and Column Qualifier
- Cell and its Versioning
- Regions and Region Server
5. HBase Designing Tables
6. HBase Data Coordinates
7. Versions and HBase Operation
- Get/Scan
- Put
- Delete
Module 20 : Apache Cassandra
: Available (Length 63 Minutes) New
1. BigData and Apache Cassandra
2. Why Cassanra is so Popular
3. Cassandra as a Distributed DataBase
4. Cassandra and High Availability
5. Cassandra and Replication Mechanism
6. Cassandra's Elastic Scalability
7. Tuneable consistency
- Strict Consistency
- Casual Consistency
- Weak Consistency
8. Brewer's CAP Theorem
9. Cassandra as a Scema Free DataBase
10. Where should we use Cassandra
11. Who and why using the Cassandra
Module 21: Hands On MRUnit (MapReduce Testing Framework) : Available (Length 48 Minutes) New
1. Practice Basic MapReduce Without
Installing Hadoop Framework
2. Mapper Testing
3. Reducer Testing
4. Counter Testing
5. Full MapReduce Job Testing
Module 22 : Apache Sqoop (SQL To Hadoop) : Available (Length 66 Minutes) New + Useful for CCA175
1. Sqoop Tutorial
2. How does Sqoop Work
3. Sqoop JDBCDriver and Connectors
4. Sqoop Importing Data
5. Various Options to Import Data
- Table Import
- Binary Data Import
- SpeedUp the Import
- Filtering Import
- Full DataBase Import Introduction to Sqoop
Module 23 : Apache Flume : Available (Length 28 Minutes) New
1. Data Acquisition : Apache Flume
2. Apache Flume Components
3. POSIX and HDFS File Write
4. Flume Events
5. Interceptors, Channel Selectors, Sink Processor
1. Sample Twiteer Feed Configuration
2. Flume Channel
- Memory Channel
- File Channel
3. Sinks and Sink Processors
4. Sources
5. Channel Selectors
6. Interceptors
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