1. Is HadoopExam
Training Material Access is limited ?
: If you buy training other than annual subscription then it will have
Lifetime Access for individual.
If you Introduce New Trainings like Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase
Training etc then what is the process.
Ans :
Any new training has to be purchased separately. and will be accessible
for mentioned duration on training home page. However, new module added
in the same training subscribed by you will be availble without
additional charge.
When i subscribed training, i see some of the modules are in progress,
will that be available to me as well in future.
: Any new module as part of the same training will be available to you
as soon as they are launched. In the same training new module
addition will be free.
4. Why these
training is so cost effective or cheaper ?
Because it require very little infrastructure to deliver, just a Single
Computer/laptop/tablet with internet connection is enough to access
these trainings.
5. Can I
access these trainings 24/7 ?
: Yes, we want our learner should get the material as on when they
wanted. So you can access it 24/7. It requires internet connection only.
6. How can I
buy it ?
: If you are Indian Customer, you can transfer the money online/bank
deposit in the mentioned ICICI bank account. And, if you are outside
India and do not have bank India bank account, you can use PayPal to
pay the money. Just click on Buy Now Button @ training Home Page.
7. Does your
paid subscription include any soft copy material ?
Yes, all the soft copy materials is mentioned in the training itself.
Which you can download while wathcing the training.
8. Why people
are preferring these trainings ?
: Below are the most reason
1. 24/7 Course Access
2. As interactive as Classroom training
3. Very Cost effective
4. No PPT's at all, advanced way of teaching
5. In depth explanation of each topic
6. Hands on Session in Amazon EC2 cloud.
9. What if I
have any issue while watching the training ?
: You, can send an email to admin@hadoopexam.com or hadoopexam@gmail.com
10. How can I
believe these is considered best trainings ?
: We suggest you watch first few modules of trainings which
freely available, and then we are sure you will buy it. Within a year
of the launch we had15000+ learners internationally, and on average its
growing 500+ learners each month as of today.
11. What is
the fee refund policy for Training Videos ?
: To evalute the Hadoop Training Material, HadoopExam Learning
Resources has already provided first two modules free of cost. If you
are setisfied with that, then only pay the money. Once the paid
subscription is activated money can not be refunded.
12. How do
you make sure, your recorded training are best quality.
: We record each training at least 3 times at first and then based on
the learners feedback, if it has something missing we re-record the
13. If I have
any further queries then ?
: Contact us at below email id or phone numbers
Email : admin@hadoopexam.com
Phone : 022-42669636
Mobile : +91-8879712614 |
What is annual training subscription?
: It is our new launch , in that you will get access to all trainings
under one subject area for example we have currently below trainings
are available under BigData subject.
- Hadoop Professional Training
- Spark Professional Training
- HBase Professional Training
- OOZie Professional Training
- Scala Professional Training
- Python Professional Training
- Core Java Training
Once, you have subscription you will get access to all the trainings in
particular subject area.
2. What if
you add more trainings or videos in future ?
: If your annual subscription is active then any new trainings or
videos are added will be added under your subscription.
3. How , will
i get notified. If new training is added or new module have been added
in my subscription ?
: We recommend for this you subscribe to our email newsletter at bellow
link. So we can send you the regular notifications.
4. When i subscribed
training, i see some of the modules are in progress, will that be
available to me as well in future.
: If your subscription is active for particular subject area than, yes
you will get access to new module.
5. Why would
i go for annual subscription ?
These are the following points we consider which will give advantages
over single trainbing purchase.
- Cost effective
- New trainings added(In same subject) , willbe
given without any additional charge.
- New module added, you will get access for them
as well.
- Most of the related trainings are in
same subject area. So you dont have to buy training separately.
- More flexible.
- Most
of the institute charges more than that for their single training. But
here, you will get much more on single training price.
6. Can I
access these trainings 24/7 ?
: Yes, we want our learner should get the material as on when they
wanted. So you can access it 24/7. It requires internet connection only.
7. How can I
buy it ?
: If you are Indian Customer, you can transfer the money online/bank
deposit in the mentioned ICICI bank account. And, if you are outside
India and do not have bank India bank account, you can use PayPal to
pay the money. Just click on Buy Now Button @ training Home Page.
8. Does your
paid subscription include any soft copy material ?
Yes, all the soft copy materials is mentioned in the training itself.
Which you can download while wathcing the training.
9. Why people
are preferring these trainings ?
: Below are the most reason
1. 24/7 Course Access
2. As interactive as Classroom training
3. Very Cost effective
4. No PPT's at all, advanced way of teaching
5. In depth explanation of each topic
6. Hands on Session in Amazon EC2 cloud.
10. What if I
have any issue while watching the training ?
: You, can send an email to admin@hadoopexam.com or hadoopexam@gmail.com
11. How can I
believe these is considered best trainings ?
: We suggest you watch first few modules of trainings which
is freely
available, and then we are sure you will buy it. Within a year of the
launch we had15000+ learners internationally, and on average its
growing 500+ learners each month as of today.
12. What is
the fee refund policy for Training Videos ?
: To evalute the Hadoop Training Material, HadoopExam Learning
Resources has already provided first two modules free of cost. If you
are setisfied with that, then only pay the money. Once the paid
subscription is activated money can not be refunded.
13. How do
you make sure, your recorded training are best quality.
: We record each training at least 3 times at first and then based on
the learners feedback, if it has something missing we re-record the
14, What if i
have already subscribed to individual training previously?
: Annual subscription is separate than individual training purchase.
Both are independent purchase.
15. If I have
any further queries then ?
: Contact us at below email id or phone numbers
Email : admin@hadoopexam.com
Phone : 022-42669636
Mobile : +91-8879712614 |