Question 25: Which of the following statements are correct (Assume you are not using SAS windows environment)

  1. LIBNAME statements can be stored with a SAS program to reference the SAS library automatically when you submit the program.
  2. As soon as you delete the librefs, SAS cannot access the files in a library. Actual contents from the OS will not be deleted.
  3. Once, you have created Librefs, you dont have to create it again across the various SAS session.
  4. LIBNAME statement will help you to access the files which are created by Software Vendors other than SAS.


  1. A,B,C
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 Correct Answer : 3 Exp : Please note that LIBNAME statement is global, it means librefs will be effective until changed or canceled or session ends.

 Hence, librefs reference created by LIBNAME statement will be valid for current session only.

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