Prepare for Certified Blockchain Solution Architect with 250+ Questions and Answer : Check Here

Real Exam Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Real Exam Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam


Question-1: In Layman language, what is a block chain?

Answer: You can say it is a chain, which is made of block and this each individual block is an information. 

Various Internet Protocols

  • TCP/IP: Used for communication over network.
  • HTTP: Protocol used for Web Browsing.
  • HTTPS: HTTP protocol with encryption enabled.
  • SMTP: Protocol for email transfer.

Trusted Gatekeeper

 To use any online product or services it requires an entity (i.e. person) that is known as trusted gatekeeper. And this system requires two types of trust

Question-2: What is a trusted gatekeeper?

Answer: To use any online product or services it requires an entity (i.e. person) that is known as trusted gatekeeper.

Question-3: How blockchain relates to a trust?

Answer:  Whoever uses online services from internet specially for financial transaction has to be a trusted gatekeeper. And blockchain using cryptography, will automate and enforce trust in a third party.

Question-4: Can you explain, in layman what is a distributed system?

Answer: In Layman term if we want to create a distributed system, one of the major underline purposes is that even some part of n/w is down. Still system should work. Let’s take an example in your bi-cycle wheel, there are many spokes and all are connected with axle. Even one or few spokes is broken your wheel still works. Hence, there is not a single point of failure.

Question-5: What is distributed computing?

Answer: Distributed computing means a single computer is not responsible for entire computing rather computation is shared across more than one computer. Sometime that is referred as cluster as well. Even in this case if one of the computers in entire cluster fails to process or do computation then another computer from cluster would take the responsibility and completes the failed computation. Communication among the nodes are done by some messaging solution, which could follow different protocols. And goal here is to distribute the heavy computing across the nodes in cluster and collectively complete that complex or big computation like Big Data processing using either Hadoop or Spark.  

Prepare for Certified Blockchain Solution Architect with 250+ Questions and Answer : Check Here

Real Exam Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Real Exam Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam