Prepare for Certified Blockchain Solution Architect with 250+ Questions and Answer : Check Here

Real Exam Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Real Exam Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam


Question-6: What is decentralize system?

Answer: In case of decentralize system there could not be a common goal. And a given node may not be collaborating with every other node to achieve its objectives. And decision making is done through some form of consensus rather than having this responsibility rest in single entity.

Question-7: Can you draw and show the difference among centralized, de-centralized and distributed system?





Question-8: Can you please give example of Centralized and distributed computing system?

Answer: If we are having single Database instance to store all the information then we can say that is a centralized system. Because everything is at single place. And suppose we are storing information like on HDFS file system, which is usually created using multiple resources then that is known as distributed system.


Question-9: What is decentralized database?

Answer: There are also multiple nodes are involved same as distributed database. And each node can have replicated copy of same data. However, important difference is that each node may not know the identity of other nodes and all nodes are controlled by many entities who may be anonymous.

Question-10: What do you think main reason behind 2008 financial crisis?

Answer: It was because of lack of transparency in the financial system.

Prepare for Certified Blockchain Solution Architect with 250+ Questions and Answer : Check Here

Real Exam Number of Questions: 70 Questions
Real Exam Pass Score: 70%
Time Allotted: 90 minutes to complete exam