Question-14: You are working with a company which offers online training courses which are developed by the university professors. This university professor records various training courses (Known as master videos) with different kind of recorder and the format based on the video recorder they have. However, your website can be opened by the subscribed students in the Browser, Mobile, Tablets, TVs etc. Hence, you need to transcode all the master videos which are created by the University professor. You are running your website on the EC2 instances in auto-scaling mode, you need to develop faster and efficient solution to process the master videos in the various required format. However, please note that this master videos may or may not required in future. Which of the following options help in achieving this requirement?
- You would be initially storing master content in S3 and once transcoding is done move them to AWS Glacier.
- You would be always storing the master contents in the S3 bucket, because it is required while learner access the transcoded format.
- You will be using Elastic transcoder from AWS to convert the video in different format
- You would be storing the transcoded content in the AWS S3 bucket.
- You should be using AWS CloudFront to distribute the content on your website
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- You can monitor the health of the transcoding using the CloudWatch
Answer: A,C,D,E,G
Exp: As you can see Get the latest AWS Training, Certification Preparation Material, Books & Interview questions you need to develop end to end solution for video Hosting website and video should be played efficiently on any device. Hence, it is required you convert the video format and the process is known as transcoding. Amazon provide the Elastic Transcoding service based on the per minute transcoding of the video (which is bit expensive from our view) for 10 mins transcoding to a particular format it charges $0.30
Once the original (master) videos once converted need to be shifted to AWS Glacier (Low cost storage) because you don’t want to access them on regular basis. So, option-1 is correct. As a source video location initially, you would be adding videos in S3 bucket as well as after transcoding you need to put in S3 bucket as an output/destination. Option-2 is wrong because we are not going to keep the videos in the master bucket always.
Elastic transcoder is the obvious choice for this requirement, hence option-3 is also correct. CloudFront is a content distribution service from AWS, hence this is also a good choice for the given requirement, which makes option-4 & 5 as correct choice.
Kinesis data stream is not required here, because there is no requirement processing data in real-time for which this service is required.
In most of the cases you want to do monitoring of a particular AWS service and again AWS CloudWatch is an obvious choice.