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Sample Python Interview Questions and Answer

Answer: High level language are first needs to be converted to low level language e.g. Java Virtual Machine does of java language. This is an extra step which makes executing code slower compare to low level language.

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Answer:Answer: Writing program using high level language can have following advantages.
  • Easier to program
  • They are portable, e.g. write program on Windows OS that can be executed on IOS without any or very less change. In case of low level language, you have to write program again for different OS.
Answer: It does not do lot of conversion, it reads the program and directly execute on the computer. Hence, this is relatively faster than compiler.
Answer: Python is an interpreter language. Hence, it is not required to be compiled and then executer (as in case of Java you have to do this).
Answer: There are mainly three types of errors.
  • Syntax Error: It is any syntactical error in the program. E.g. (8.value, is not correct)
  • Runtime Error
  • Semantic Error
Answer: Catching such errors are not easy. Until and unless you test the output. It means your program will run without any issue. It will successfully complete. But when you see the result than only you can say that there is an issue e.g.  You want to add two numbers 2 and 3 and expected answer is 5, but program generate 6 (because instead of + sign, * has been used.).

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Answer: These errors only appears when you run the program. This is also known as exceptions.
Answer: Interpreter convert high level language line by line but for compiler entire program will be translated in low level language.
Answer: This is a category of the data e.g. 23 is an int , 23.7 id a float and ‘Amit’ is a string type.
Answer: Its name to a value. You can refer a particular value using variable name like ‘Amit’ it is a value but will be referred using a variable called ‘name’
Answer: Function is a collection of statements, which is defined once and then call it later to do some executions. Below is the function definition example
def total_course_durations(c1,c2):
    return training


Name of the function: total_course_duration
Statements: All orange color lines are statements.
return: It is a return statements.
total_duration: It is a variable, holding the values return by function call.
Function Arguments: These two variables are known as function arguments hadoop_training,spark_training
Answer: There are various functions available, which can help you convert data from one data types to another data type. See the example below
int(‘100’) -> 100 #Converting string to int
flaot(‘100.5’) -> 100.5 #Converting string to float
str(3.02) -> ‘3.02’ #Converting float to string

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Answer: Python module is any python file with .py extension, which contains functions and variables are known as Python Module. To use module in our current program we have to import it first. There are in-built modules which are provided by Python itself e.g. import math (Here, math is a Python module)
Answer: Function, which return a value is known as fruitful function. E.g math.sqrt(4), it will return 2
Answer: Function which does not return a value is known as void function.
Answer: Python provides two ways by which you can import the Python module.
  • Using import statement e.g. import math, it will give you an object of math module.
  • Another way, import only, which you want from module e.g. from math import pi now you can use pi directly without dot notation.
Answer: You can import everything from your module using * operator as below.
from math import *
However, this is a bad practice. It will overwrite all the variables and functions which you have defined in your program. So it is suggested, to avoid this.
Answer: Function definition, is the way by which you define a function as below.
def total_course_durations(c1,c2):
    return training

Function Object: This is created by a function definition. Name of the function ‘total_course_durations’ is a variable, which points to function object.

Answer: Parameters are defined by the names that appear in a function definition, whereas arguments are the values actually passed to a function when calling it. Parameters define what types of arguments a function can accept. For example, given the function definition:
def func1(value1, value2=None, **kwargs):
Value1, value2 and kwargs are parameters of func1. However, when calling func1, for example:
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func(100, value2=”hadoopexam”, new_name=anyvar)
the values 100, “hadoopexam” and anyvar are arguments.

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Answer: A variable which you define inside the function is known as local variable, you can not use local variable outside the function. Below two variables course1 and course2 are local and cannot be accessed outside the function.
def total_course_durations(c1,c2):
Answer:  A value created by an import statement that provides access to the values defined in a module.
e.g import math , here math is a module object and using dot notation you can access the variables defined in this module for instance math.pi
Answer: It is the process of transforming a sequence of statements into a function definition. Everything is encapsulated inside the function.
Answer: Python documentation strings (or docstrings) provide a convenient way of associating documentation with Python modules, functions, classes, and methods.

An object's docstring is defined by including a string constant as the first statement in the object's definition.
def my_function():
    """Do nothing, but document it.
    No, really, it doesn't do anything.
You can print this doc string using: print my_function.__doc__
Answer: There are two mathematical operator to help you get quotient and remainder.

Getting remainder using ‘%’ modulus operator and ‘/’ to get the quotient value for example
quotient = 10 / 3 # will result 3
remainder = 10 % 3 #will result 1
Answer: Below are all considered relational operator to do the comparison.

A !=B # A is not equal to B
A>B # A is greater than B
A<B # A is less than B
A>=B # A is greater and equal to B
A<=B #A is less than or equal to B
Answer: There are three logical operators in Python and, or and not. See example below
  • a>0 and a<10 # This condition is true only if a is greater than 0 and less than 10 . If a=100 than it will return false
  • a>0 or a<10 # this condition will return true, if either a is greater than 0 or less than 10 e.g. a=100 than also it will return true.
  • not (10 >100) # It will return true. Because first 10 >100, it means it is false but we are negating this condition. Hence, it will become true.
Answer:  A function calling itself. If you don’t have a base condition (to break the recursion). It can be infinite call which can lead your program to run indefinitely and then finally crash.
Answer: A part of the code, which is never executed is known as dead code. This is generally written after the return statement and will never be executed.
Answer: We highly recommend you get paid subscription Annual Premium to access all contents on this website or get paid subscription for this product itself.

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