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Frequently Asked Questions and Answer about DP-100 Azure Certifications

Exam Number:  DP-100 | Exam Name: Designing a Data Science Solution on Azure.

Answer: Candidate or a student who has passed this exam, assumed to be having
  • Subject matter expertise for applying data science and machine learning to implement and run machine learning workloads on Microsoft Azure.
  • Should be able to plan and create suitable working environment for data science workloads on Azure.
  • Candidate should be able to run data experiments.
  • Candidate should be able to train predictive models.
  • Candidate should be able to manage, optimize, and deploy machine learning models into production.
  • Candidate must have knowledge of Azure Databricks.
Answer: This is available in following languages
  • English
  • Chinese Simplified
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian
  • Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
  • Italian
  • Indonesian
Answer:  DP-100 certification exam measures, candidates’ ability to accomplish the following technical tasks
  • Manage Azure Resources for Machine Learning
  • Run experiments and train models
  • Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions.
  • Implement responsible machine learning
Answer: Once you clear this certification exam, it has been certified that you have valid credentials to prove that you are an Azure Data Scientist. Data Science is a brilliant title for at least next 10 years and even more.
Answer: All technical certification exam scores are reported on the scale of 1 to 1000. You must be able to score more than 700 to pass DP-100 certification exam.
Answer: No necessarily. However, if you score 70% assuming each question has equal marks. Then certainly you would clear this certification exam. But Microsoft does not declare, how they are going to calculate exam score.
AnswerYes, as per Microsoft. Some exams are localized into other languages, and those are updated approximately eight weeks after the English version is updated. Other available languages are listed in the Schedule Exam section of the Exam Details webpage. If the exam isn’t available in your preferred language, you can request an additional 30 minutes to complete the exam:
Answer: DP-100 certification exam measures the following subject area and as per below percentage questions can appear in your real certification exam.
  • Manage Azure resources for machine learning - 30%
  • Run experiments and train models - 25%
  • Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions - 40%
  • Implement responsible machine learning 5%
Answer: You lets check further detailed syllabus for DP-100 certification exam. Functional Group-1: Manage Azure resources for machine learning – 30%
  1. 1.    Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace
  •  Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace
  • Configure workspace settings
  • Manage a workspace by using Azure Machine Learning studio
  1. 2.    Manage data in an Azure Machine Learning workspace
  • Select Azure storage resources
  • Register and maintain datastores
  • Create and manage dataset
  1. 3.    Manage compute for experiments in Azure Machine Learning
  • Determine the appropriate compute specifications for a training workload
  • Create compute targets for experiments and training
  • Configure Attached Compute resources including Azure Databricks
  • Monitor compute utilization
  1. 4.    Implement security and access control in Azure Machine Learning
  • Determine access requirements and map requirements to built-in roles
  • Create custom roles
  • Manage role membership
  • Manage credentials by using Azure Key Vault

  1. 5 Set up an Azure Machine Learning development environment a.    Create compute instances
  • Share compute instances
  • Access Azure Machine Learning workspaces from other development environments
  1. 6.    Set up an Azure Databricks workspace
  • Create an Azure Databricks workspace
  • Create an Azure Databricks cluster
  • Create and run notebooks in Azure Databricks
  • Link and Azure Databricks workspace to an Azure Machine Learning workspace.
  1. 1.    Create models by using the Azure Machine Learning designer
  •   Create a training pipeline by using Azure Machine Learning designer
  •   Ingest data in a designer pipeline
  •   Use designer modules to define a pipeline data flow
  •   Use custom code modules in designer
  1. 2.    Run model training scripts
  •  Create and run an experiment by using the Azure Machine Learning SDK
  •  Configure run settings for a script
  • Consume data from a dataset in an experiment by using the Azure Machine Learning SDK
  •  Run a training script on Azure Databricks compute
  •  Run code to train a model in an Azure Databricks notebook
  1. 3.    Generate metrics from an experiment run
  • Log metrics from an experiment run
  •  Retrieve and view experiment outputs
  • Use logs to troubleshoot experiment run errors
  •  Use MLflow to track experiments
  •  Track experiments running in Azure Databricks.
  1. 4.    Use Automated Machine Learning to create optimal models
  • Use the Automated ML interface in Azure Machine Learning studio
  • Use Automated ML from the Azure Machine Learning SDK
  • Select pre-processing options
  • Select the algorithms to be searched
  • Define a primary metric
  • Get data for an Automated ML run
  • Retrieve the best model
  1. 5.    Tune hyperparameters with Azure Machine Learning
  • Select a sampling method
  • Define the search space
  • Define the primary metric
  • Define early termination options
  • Find the model that has optimal hyperparameter values.
  1. 1.    Use model explainers to interpret models
  • Select a model interpreter
  •   Generate feature importance data
  1. 2.    Describe fairness considerations for models
  • Evaluate model fairness based on prediction disparity
  • Mitigate model unfairness
  1. 3.    Describe privacy considerations for data
  •  Describe principles of differential privacy
  •   Specify acceptable levels of noise in data and the effects on privacy
Answer: Once you are well prepared for the exam, not only you pass the certification exam but also score very high which you can put on your resume or on online profile. So that you value addition in your current organization as well as getting chances to recruited on higher package. And to achieve that can help.
Answer: If you complete the entire certification preparation material provided by you will certainly clear your certification exam. HadoopExam provides the
  • Quality test content, which are very-very close to real certification exam or assume almost real questions.
  • certification preparation material covers the entire syllabus. Hence, you can attempt all the real exam questions with full confidence.
  • has been providing certification preparation material since 2012 with huge success. And similarly, this certification preparation material is also prepared by HadoopExam Expert Technical team.
  • HadoopExam Technical team appears the real exam to understand and find the detail about the real exam questions and answers.
  • HadoopExam prepares the certification preparation material based on the Online performance-based simulation which gives almost similar hands-on work environment experience.
  • Questions are same or similar to real exam questions. Hence, you can easily clear real exam certification.
  • Each question is covering detailed explanation to the real exam question.
  • Explanation very clear and crisp rather than hyperlink. Hence, if you understand the explanation. You can answer almost all questions in real exam correctly.
  • Practice questions are also time bound similar to real exam. Hence, you can prepare well.
  • Instant correct and incorrect answer detail would be provided.
  • So go for HadoopExam provided certification simulator. And clear certification exam with full confidence.

Answer: The total length of the DP-100 certification examination is 210 minutes. However, candidates got to use half-hour just for reading the examination directions and signing the non-disclosure agreement. Candidates can get to use the remaining 180 minutes for respondent the queries within the examination.
Answer: The DP-100 certified skilled takes over the roles and responsibilities of a Microsoft Certified Azure data scientist Associate. The Azure data scientist Associate should utilize machine learning techniques for training, analysis and preparation of models for the development of AI solutions to deal with business objectives.
In addition, DP-100 certified professionals will utilize applications involving computer vision, language process, predictive analytics and speech capabilities.

Answer: DP-100 certification allows qualified candidates to showcase their experience and information regarding machine learning and data science to existing and future employers. The certification additionally showcases the talents of execs in operating with a multidisciplinary team for training, analysis and readying of AI models which will resolve business issues.
Most important of all, the DP-100 certification delivers credible edges for career development by rising skills in numerous ways and best practices associated with Azure knowledge science and machine learning services

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