Question-16: I have good knowledge of Spark, and almost 3+ years’ experience working with Spark, why should I go for certification?
Answer: There is a myth in IT industry that certification does not help in career. This is not at all true. Having certification certainly helps in following ways
- You will know all the hidden features of a technology. If you go for certification
- It shows your career focus
- While resume shortlisting it is given priority (Because first shortlisting is done by recruitment team, they don’t have enough knowledge about technology. Hence, they look for your credentials in the resume).
- First impression on the interviewer.
- Interviewer will focus on things which you have written in resume.
- You will categorized in separate category.
- It will give confidence during the interview and while working in the organization.
- So avoid all the people who have –ve thinking about learning. Learning can never be costly and time wasting (universal truth).
- Certainly and additional feather in your hat.
- There are many other latent benefits for doing certification.